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Thursday, October 18, 2018

Michelli's Pizzeria (West Melbourne)

     In the outskirts of West Melbourne, tucked away in a strip mall, is a little taste of Brooklyn. Michelli's Pizzeria is that place. When walking through the front door, you are greeted with a hearty hello and a bright smile, "Sit anywhere". We chose our table and within a minute our server was over to take our drink order. Since we already knew what we were getting (large pepperoni pizza), we went ahead and put our full order in.

     Our drinks came out soon after placing the order. After that we had time to take a look around and take in the ambiance of the restaurant. Fresco style paintings of Venice line the walls with the occasional advertisement for Gräńde cheese, which is what they use on their pizza, Only fresh ingredients in Gräńde.  More on that later though.

     The restaurant is very clean and you can see all the way back through the kitchen. You are struck first by the walk up counter, that reminds you off a Brooklyn style pizza joint, with the large brickoven right behind it. We were there in what we like to refer to as, the "off " hours. This is the time between meals that means not many people should be there, but Michelli's was full. Nearly every seat was filled when we walked in, and soon were filled shortly after. This was in the middle of the week, when you would expect walk in, by the slice sales to be high, not a sit down crowd.

     Despite being busy, our pizza came out hot in a short amount of time. It was displayed on the table on a small stand that lifted it from the table like you would find in most pizza joints. It had a nice fragrant smell, and looked beautiful.

    Now for the taste. You are hit first with the creamy flavor of that Gräńde cheese. Its that creamy texture that you want from mozzarella. The sauce has a wonderful flavor of roasted tomatoes and a hint of oregano. It's topped with a mild pepperoni. The crust was very crisp and gave you a very nice crunch. It didn't have an over powering flavor which made the flavors of the other ingredients stand out that much more.

     The unique thing about Michelli's pizza is that as it cooled down the flavor changed. The sauce had more of a zing to it, and the cheese had a pleasant saltiness that came forward. The lightest bit of a smokey flavor came from that mild pepperoni as well. That crunch remained as it cooled, so you didn't have to worry about any chewiness. This was a tasty New York style, sauce to the edge with NY flop pizza. To see our immediate reaction to this pie, watch the video below.

     We ate the entire pie, so there is no reheat update for you this time. With the cleanliness of the restaurant and it's unisex bathroom, the efficiency and pleasantness of the staff, and the taste of the pizza, we give Michelli's Pizzeria a 4. It's a pizza you can take your mom for. For more information about Michelli's you can go to their website here Michelli's website, or you can check them out on Facebook, Michelli's Facebook.

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Love and Pizza Slices

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